One of them is PT Kami Kaya Kreasi (3K) which have Bizring products, mobile advertising via ring-back tone (RBT) ads.
"Frankly we also feel aggrieved because of the suction case of this pulse. Although we had never even suck the pulse of customers, we still have to start again from scratch," said Tohang, Chief Financial Officer of PT 3K detikINET when contacted on Friday (21/10 / 2011).
RBT-service ads Bizring was forced to start again from scratch. Because, as of October 18, 2011, all telecom operators started doing deactivation / unregistrasi all premium content services. So even with a true Bizring not wearing a current pulse of its customers subscribe.
"Our RBT service mobile advertising has been reset again by Telkomsel, our exclusive partner. Data customers who previously had reached 328 thousand in our servers we also have to be reset to zero. We dare to be audited to demonstrate that we are clean and not cheating, "said Tohang.
RBT-Bizring ads, described by him, is a new business scheme that may actually be beneficial to all parties, ranging from customer's phone number owner, telecom operators, content providers, to advertisers.
Business symbiotic mutualism, according Tohang, are potentially able to grow rapidly as long as all made fairly and transparently.
"In the RBT-business ads, we do not cut the pulse of customers. It even gives us a bonus credit to customers for cross-operator SMS if the mobile advertising channel partners as we are," he explained.
Customers who do not use the phone number or RBT tone sapa, to work together by means of Bizring as partners to advertise. As a reward for renting the facility, customers are given a variety of bonuses, ranging from free SMS cross-carrier, talk time, pulse data, as well as raffle prizes each month.
"Advertisers were also benefited because pariwaranya can be directly heard by hundreds of millions of potential callers. So here's his business methods mutually beneficial to all parties, rather than detrimental to a particular party, in this case the customer's cell phone number owner," explains Tohang.
In his business methods, Bizring confirmed by Tohang, has followed the rules regulations and ethical codes of premium content services. RBT service-these ads, he added, are also not forcing the customer.
"We have two methods of registration, via SMS (type 1 to send to the number 2100) and internet ( All registration step is done consciously by the customer and for free, no cost a penny. We also provide the default setting 'No' . So everything is according to the rules, "said Tohang further.
All expenses for bonuses and other rewards for customers, said Tohang derived from it the result of cooperation with advertisers.
"Frankly, we are pioneering new business since June 2011. And our advertisers just one company. So the cost, our own responsibility all at the beginning," he asserted.
So far, Bizring itself has twice done the draw with prizes of Scoopy motorcycle, bicycle, laptop, BlackBerry, PS3, and others. According Tohang, pengundiannya process was transparent and fair because it is done before a notary public, representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the police, and representatives from Telkomsel.
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