Wednesday, November 23, 2011

ITB Degree Digital Media Festival

Bandung Institute of Technology Digital Media Festival held (ITB-DMF) in 2011 to bring together various stakeholders from the public, government, industry, academia, and pengiat digital technology to drive growth of digital industries in Indonesia.

Festival with the theme 'Education for All, now, towards the Forward Community Indonesia knowledgeable and Prosperity' is expected to evoke a dream together about Indonesia in the digital age so it has a more significant role in the development of the digital age.

The festival is held every two years was held for three days at 22 to 24 November 2011. The event was enlivened by a variety of activities that capture the growth of digital technology over time that transform human life.

Start of the seminar, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Rural (rICT 2011), International Conference for e-Learning (ICEL 2011), Digital Learning Forum Indonesia, Exhibition and Open House, and several technical meetings and workshops.

Among the workshops is MIC-ITB Code Camp 2011, which followed 230 participants and the technical workshop of the world's largest application development in terms of the number.

"Three-day technical workshop is targeted to produce approximately 200 applications and games that are ready for sale in mobile application store," said Dr.. Tech. Ary Committee Setijadi Prihatmanto as DMF-ITB 2011, in his statement Wednesday (23/11/2011).

The festival is also enlivened by meeting a professional community that is IEEE Computer Society Chapter Meeting of Indonesia and the Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC Summit) throughout Indonesia.

As for the activities of the Digital Learning Forum Indonesia (Digital Learning Forum) will be discussed digital learning in education in Indonesia and how to utilize digital learning to increase GER (Gross Enrolment) higher education participants from 500 thousand to 1.5 million by the end of 2014.

Increased GER can not only be done in the traditional way. Therefore, the traditional way requires facilities, infrastructure and human resources threefold amount of current.

In addition, the traditional way requires a very large cost and long time so it requires a different way. One way that can be used is to utilize digital learning. Directorate General of Higher Education is currently preparing legislation related to digital learning is education.

Based on data from United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), ICT in education is not only a tool but transform education itself.

United States Department of Education study of 2500 college class subjects showed an average achievement of students who follow the online learning is better than the traditional way.

Therefore, the digital learning has been adopted by education authorities anticipated and developed countries as a model of learning that must be experienced learners for continuing education.


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